The topic of unknowns has no natural "home" in a single discipline. Instead, it sprawls across a large range of disciplines and domains. A wide-ranging survey of disciplines and domains is available in the book edited by Gabriele Bammer and me (Bammer & Smithson, 2008), with more than 20 perspectives on unknowns. You can obtain a sampler (including the TOC) of this book here. Chaper 3 in this book presents an overview of our approach to dealing with the fragmented state regarding perspectives about the unknown.
In an earlier book (Smithson,
1989) I presented what at the time was the only multi-disciplinary overview
of "ignorance and uncertainty".
This book is available as an ebook from Springer, and of course second-hand
hardcopies can be found via the usual book-sellers on the net.
For a brief introduction to and illustration of what happens when domain-specific perspectives on unknowns collide, see my blog post, "Non-significance on Trial". And a brief account of my own overview of the unknown can be found in my recent "Uncertainty" encyclopedia entry (Smithson, 2012).
Bammer, G. and Smithson, M. (Eds.) (2008). Uncertainty and Risk:
Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
Smithson, M. (1989). Ignorance and
Uncertainty: Emerging
Paradigms. Cognitive
Science Series.
Smithson, M. (2012) Uncertainty. In V.S. Ramachandran (ed.) Encyclopedia of
Human Behavior, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 621-628.